"Proklos Rezeption durch Psellos und sein Echo in Georgien"
(Prof. Dr. Christophe Erismann, Dr. Tamar Khubulava)
ERC Advanced Grant
"This_one_There. From the Paradox of Individuality to the Logic of Representation. Individuals and descriptions in Byzantine thought (4th-12th century)"
(Prof. Dr. Christophe Erismann)
Die Verflechtung Anatoliens durch Dokumente (1200-1300, Enchant)
Entangled Charters of Anatolia (1200-1300, Enchant)
(Prof. Dr. C. Rapp, PD Dr. Johannes Preiser-Kapeller)
FWF Projekt:
"Die Komposition von Psalmen in Mittel- und Spätbyzanz"
(Dr. Nina-Maria Wanek)
ÖAW DOC project:
"John Tzetzes' περὶ πέντε φωνῶν, A Critical Edition and Commentary of a Didactic Philosophical Poem"
(Prof. Dr. Christophe Erismann, Rogelio Toledo Martin BA,MA)
Center of Image and Material Analysis in Cultural Heritage
(Prof. Dr. C. Rapp, Dr. G. Rossetto)