Byzantinische Epistolographie
Exchange of documents in a 12th century manuscript, the so-called Scylitzes Matritensis (Cod. Matrit. Gr. Vitr. 26-2, fol. 25v; cf. Joannis Scylitzae Synopsis Historiarum. Ἀθήνα, Μίλητος 2000)
Michael Grünbart, editor.
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Abbreviations accordingto the “Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik
Secondary Sources
Alphabetical List:
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Albini, U.: Psello, Epist. 124 Sathas. SIFC III s. 5 (1987) 212-3.
Amand de Mendieta, Emmanuel: L'authenticité des lettres de la correspondance de saint Basile de Césarée. Recherches de Science Religieuse 56 (1968) 241-64.
Anastasi, Rosario: Giovanni di Euchaita (Epistula 40, p. 77 Lagarde). SIFC III s. 5 (1987) 224-6.
Anastasi, Rosario: Giovanni Mauropode e Platone. Siculorum Gymnasium 40 (1987) 183-200. - ep. 43 Bollig de Lagarde.
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Anastasi, Rosario: Michele Psello al metropolita di Euchaita (Epist. 34 pp. 53-65 K.-D.). Studi di filologia bizantina 4 (1988) (= Quaderni del Siculorum Gymnasium 16) 105-20.
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Bees, N.A.: Zu einer Briefstelle des Michael Choniates. BNJ 16 (1940) 209.
Bešeliev, Veselin: Fragmente aus der Korrespondenz eines bulgarischen Humanisten im 9. und 10. Jahrhundert. In: Renaissance und Humanismus in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Eine Sammlung von Materialien besorgt von Johannes Irmscher (Dt. Akademie der Wiss. Zu Berlin, Schriften der Sektion für Altertumswissenschaft, 32). Berlin 1962, 335-42.
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Bevegni, C.: Note esegetiche a passi delle lettere di Manuele Paleologo. SIFC III s. 5 (1987) 227-31.
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Bowman, Alan K.: Life and Letters on the Roman Frontier. Vindolanda and its People. London 1994.
Bibikov, M.V.: Drevnaja Rus 'i Vizantija v svete novych i neloizvestnych vizantijskich istocnikov (Altrußland und Byzanz im Lichte neuerer und wenig bekannter Quellen) Vostocnaja Europa v drevnoki i srednevekove. Moskau 1978, 296-301.
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Bradbury, S.: A Sophistic Prefect: Anatolius of Berytus in the Letters of Libanius. Classical Philology 95 (2000) 172-86.
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Browning, Robert: The Correspondance of a Tenth-Century Byzantine Scholar. Byz 24 (1954) 397-452.
Browning, Robert: The Speeches and Letters of Georgios Tornikes Metropolitan of Ephesos (XIIth century). In: Actes du XIIe Congrès International d'études Byzantines. Ochrid 1961, II 421-7.
Browning, Robert: Unpublished correspondence between Michael Italicus, archbishop of Philippopolis, and Theodore Prodromos. ByzBulg 1 (1962) 279-97.
Browning, Robert: Il codice marciano gr. XI. 31 e la schedografia bizantina. In: Miscellanea marciana di studi bessarionei (Medioevo e umanesimo 24) Padova 1976, 21-34.
Browning, Robert - Laourdas, Basileios: Τὸ κείμενον τὼν ἐπιστολῶν τοὺ κώδικος BM 36749. EEBS 27 (1957) 151-212
Bungarten, J.J.: Menanders und Glykeras Brief bei Alkiphron. (Diss.) Bonn 1967.
Cameron, Alan: A Quotation from S. Nilus of Ancyra in an Iconodule Tract. Journal of Theological Studies 27 (1976) 128-31. - On letters IV 61 and 62.
Cameron, Alan: The Authenticity of the Letters of St Nilus of Ancyra. GRBS 17 (1976) 181-96.
Cammelli, G.: Demetrio Cidonio al fratello Procoro. Studi bizantini 2 (1927) 49-55.
Carlini, A.: Su una lettera di Leone Metropolita di Sinnada ad Arsenio di Eraclea. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, S. 2, 36 (1967) 245-8.
Casson, L.: Bishop Synesios' Voyage to Cyrene. The American Neptune 12 (1952) 294-6. - Cf. L. Casson, Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World. Baltimore, Md., 1995, 268-9 (Did Synesius sail on a Lateener?).
Cavallin, Anders: Studien zu den Briefen des hl. Basilius. Lund 1944.
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Charitonides, Ch.: Σύμμεικτα κριτικά. EEBS 8 (1931) 227-43. - Remarks on Tzetzes' and Psellos' letters.
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Christides, D.A.: Αναμνήσεις από αρχαία κείμενα στους λόγους και στις Επιστολές του Νικήτα Χωνιάτη. Hell 39 (1988) 25-44.
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Conomis, N.C.: Parerga II. Hell 35 (1984) 51-69. - Deals also with the letters of Tzetzes (LEONE).
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Cribiore, Raffaela: Libanius' Letters of Evaluation of Students. In: L'epistolographie et la poésie épigrammatique: Projets actuels et questions de méthodologie. Actes de la 16e Table ronde org. par Wolfram Hörandner et Michael Grünbart dans le cadre du XXe Congrès international des études byzantines (Dossiers byzantins 3). Paris 2003, 11-20.
Criscuolo, Ugo: Due nuove epistole di Michele Italico. Le parole e le idee 11 (1969) 330-8.
Criscuolo, Ugo: Note filologiche II. Boll Grott 34 (1980) 185-192. - 1. Mich. It., ep. 7 Cramer 159,2 Gautier u¸perkru/yantej.
Criscuolo, Ugo: Sull' epistola 10 di Gregorio di Nazianzo. Kononia 9 (1985) 115-20.
Dagron, Gilbert: Psellos épigraphiste. In: Okeanos. Essays presented to Ihor Ševčenko on his Sixtieth Birthday by his Colleagues and Students (Harvard Ukrainian Studies 7). Cambridge, Mass. 1983, 117-24.
Daniélou, Jean: L'évêque d'après une lettre de Grégoire de Nysse. Euntes Docete 20 (1967) 85-97.
Darrouzès, Jean: De prétendues lettres de Blemmydès (= Notes d'epistolographie et d'histoire de textes 1). REB 12 (1954) 176-7.
Darrouzès, Jean: Les lettres inédites de Michel Psellos (= Notes d'epistolographie et d'histoire de textes 2). REB 12 (1954) 180.
Darrouzès, Jean: Un recueil épistolaire byzantin: le manuscrit de Patmos 706. REB 14 (1956) 87-121.
Darrouzès, Jean: Inventaire des épistolaires byzantins du Xe siècle. REB 18 (1960) 109-35. - Rev.: Halkin AnBoll 79 (1961) 184-5.
Darrouzès, Jean: Deux lettres de Grégoire Antiochos écrites de Bulgarie vers 1173. BSl 23 (1962) 276-84.
Darrouzès, Jean: Deux lettres de Grégoire Antiochos écrites de Bulgarie vers 1173 (suite). BSl 24 (1963) 65-83.
Darrouzès, Jean: Notes sur Euthyme Tornikès, Euthyme Malakès et George Tornikès. REB 23 (1965) 148-67.
Darrouzès, Jean: Un recueil épistolaire du XIIe siècle académie roumaine cod. gr. 508. REB 30 (1972) 199-229.
Demosthenous, A.A.: The Scholar and the partridge: Attitudes relating to Nutritional Goods in the Twelfth Century from the Letters of the Scholar John Tzetzes. In: Mayer, Wendy - Trzionka, Silke: Feast, Fast or Famine: Food and Drink in Byzantium (Byzantina Australiensia 15). 2005, 25-31.
Dennis, George T.: Some Notes on the Correspondence of manuel II Palaeologus. Actes du XIVe congrès internationale des études byzantines, Bucharest, 6-12 sept. 1971. Bucharest 1975, II 67-73.
Dennis, George T.: Four Unknown Letters of Manuel II Palaeologus. Byz 36 (1966) 35-40 (= Byzantium and the Franks 1350-1420, VII. London 1982).
Dennis, George T.: The Letters of Theodore Potamios. In: Byzantium and the Franks 1350-1420. London 1982, XII.
Dennis, George: Byzantine Letter Writing: A Positive View. Tenth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers. Cincinnati, Oh. 1984, 10.
Dennis, George T.: Rhadenos of Thessalonica, Correspondent of Demetrios Cydones. Byzantina 12 (1985) **
Dennis, George T.: Gregory of Nazianzus and Byzantine Letter Writing. In: Diakonia. Studies in Honour of Robert T. Meyer, ed. by Thomas Halton and Joseph P. Williman. Washington, D.C. 1986, 3-13.
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Dennis, George T.: Reality in the Letters of Demetrius Cydones. In: Porphyrogenita. Essays on the History and Literature of Byzantium and the Latin East in Honour of Julian Chrysostomides. Ed. by Charalambos Dendrinos, Jonathan Harris, Eirene Harvalia-Crook, Judith Herrin. Aldershot 2003, 401-410.
Dennis, George T.: Elias the Monk. Friend of Psellos. In: Byzantine Authors: Literary Activities and Preoccupations. Texts and Translations dedicated to the Memory of Nicolas Oikonomides. Ed. by John W. Nesbitt (The Medieval Mediterranenan 49). Leiden 2003, 43-62.
De Poli, A.: Il codice Patmiacus 706 degli epistolografi bizantini. Aevum 72 (1998) 233-48.
De Stefani, E.L.: Per il testo delle epistole di Eliano. SIFC 9 (1901) 479-88.
De Vries-van der Velden, Eva: Psellos et son gendre. BF 23 (1996) 109-49. - Epp. 26, 33, 34, 35, 80, 110, 146, 157 Sathas, 54, 55, 57, 58, 70, 76, 96, 132, 136, 214, 221, 268 Kurtz-Drexl.
De Vries-van der Velden, Eva: La lune de Psellos. BSl 57(1996) 239-56. - Epp. 34, 198, 229 Kurtz-Drexl.
De Vries-van der Velden, Eva: Psellos, Romain IV Diogénès et Mantzikert. BSl 58 (1997) 274-310. - Epp. 25, 35 Gautier, 3, 124, 176, 186 Sathas, 5 Kurtz-Drexl, Ep. K. Snipes.
De Vries-van der Velden, Eva: Les amitiés dangereuses: Psellos et Léon Paraspondylos. BSl 60 (1999) 315-50. - Epp. 7-11, 101, 118, 139, 159, 198, 199 Sathas, 32 Gautier, 72, 87, 185 Kurtz-Drexl.
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Grünbart, Michael: Prosopographische Beiträge zum Briefcorpus des Ioannes Tzetzes. JÖB 46 (1996) 175-226.
Grünbart, Michael: Athanasios Chatzikes und Michael Psellos. Byz 70 (2000) 307-8.
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Grünbart, Michael: Prolegomena zu einem Verzeichnis der byzantinischen Briefanfänge (Epistularum Byzantinarum Initia [EBI]). JÖB 50 (2000) 1-4.
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Grünbart, Michael: Zwei Briefe suchen ihren Empfänger: Wem schrieb Theodoros Prodromos (Epp. 10 und 11 PG)? JÖB 51 (2001) 209-23.
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nach oben
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Prof. Dr. Michael Grünbart
Universität Münster
Seminar für Byzantinistik
Platz der Weißen Rose
D-48151 Münster