Byzanz und seine Nachbarn

Head of Project: Prof. Dr. Werner SEIBT
Institut für Byzanzforschung der Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften

This historical project deals with the political, economic, cultural and demographic relations of the Byzantine Empire with its neighbours, with a strong focus on non-Greek sources. The work has so far focussed on the Caucasus region (especially Armenia and Georgia), the Crimea and Bulgaria. Last but not least, the problem of ‘invisible borders’ is analysed, i.e. the exertion of influence in various areas beyond the respective imperial borders, which only partially led to the gradual incorporation of certain territories into the imperial union. On the other hand, there is the question of the beginning and end of direct Byzantine rule and the criteria for being able to make reliable statements in this regard; for example, the presence of Byzantine military forces does not automatically mean full incorporation into the provincial federation.


There are very different forms of vassalage relationships and levels of dependence, which could also be subject to rapid changes. It also deals with successes and failures in the ‘Byzantinisation’ of new imperial territories. In addition to other sources, archaeological findings will also be incorporated, including the systematic recording of monuments in individual areas. This project also emphasises international cooperation.