3. Gunnar Hering-Lectures, 29.5.2018

Two Gunnar Hering Lectures have been held to date with great success (2016 Prof. Stamatopoulos, 2017 Prof. Avdela).

The third lecture took place on May 29, 2018. The main lecture this year was given by Prof. Dr. François Hartog (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris) on the topic “La Grèce antique est la plus belle invention des temps modernes”: Comment entendre cette formule de Paul Valéry ou comment interroger la place de la Grèce antique dans l'imaginaire européen?”

The lecture focused on Greece as a topos of European historiography in the long nineteenth century, i.e. from the end of the Napoleonic Wars to the Greek War of Independence and the end of the European empires. The focus was on the emergence of the national schools of historiography. To this end, the speaker explored on the various constructions of Greece as the cradle of European civilization and the frontier of the Western world. The lecture was held in French with whispered interpretation.

With the selection of the speaker, a famous ancient historian from the French school of the Annales and at the same time a renowned expert in the history of historiography in antiquity and modern times we once again emphasize the basic concept of the Lectures, namely to consider Southeast Europe as part of pan-European, even global historical processes with the help of renowned guests. This year, Prof. Bernhard Palme (Department of Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy/Papyrus Collection of the Austrian National Library) will give the response.

Programm dt. / Programm frz.
Poster dt. Poster frz.